
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Mini Jersey Caramel White Chocolate Cheesecake

Mmmm, jersey caramels are so underated. Delicious cubes of caramel and cream, what's not to love? But I find it so rare that they are incorporated into recipes. No longer is that the case! I added them to the base and the filling AND topped these little beauties off with them.

The caramels in the filling slightly softened and became a bit oozey, YUM! The ones in the base added a chewy surprise to every bite. If I had thought about it at the time I would have tried melting some jersey caramels and swirling them through the cheesecake mix instead of adding chunks, just for something different.

Mini Jersey Caramel White Chocolate Cheesecake

(Recipe adapted from Cookies and Cream Cheesecake from Nestle's Australia's Sweet Baking Favourites)

What you will need

1 packet jersey caramels, chopped into small pieces
1 packet plain biscuits
100g butter, melted
1 tsp gelatine
2 tbsp hot water
190g cream cheese
95ml condensed milk
150ml thickened cream
1/2 cup white chocolate, melted
Extra jersey caramels for tops

What you will need to do

For the base, place a 12 cup cupcake silicon tray on a baking tray and set aside. Crush the biscuits and mix with melted butter. Add a handful of chopped jersey caramels and mix to combine. Place a spoonful of mixture into each cup of the cupcake tray and press down firm (I used the end of a rolling pin to press them down hard). Place into fridge to set.

For the white chocolate cheesecake, place gelatin and hot water in a small bowl and mix until dissolved. In a separate bowl beat the cream cheese and condensed milk until smooth. Add cream, gelatin mix, melted white chocolate and beat until combined. Add the rest of the chopped jersey caramels. Pour mix onto bases. Top with extra jersey caramels chopped in half and place in fridge to set.


  1. Wow, I feel a cavity coming on just looking at them. :-)
    Are they really sweet?

    Can I put in a request for a good recipe for fruit cake?

  2. Yeah these ones are pretty sweet! Request noted :) there will definitely be fruit cake coming as we approach Christmas!
